Hadith # 970
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made up his mind to go in an expedition, he would say to us, "O Muhajirin and the Ansar! There are among you such people who have no property and no kinsfolk. Let everyone of you take along with him two or three men. None of us had a spare animal we took rides by turn." So I took two or three men with me and I rode my camel by turn equally with them.
[Abu Dawud]
Firstly, this Hadith describes the Companions' condition in the early phase of Islam. Everybody participating in Jihad did not have an animal and so was the condition in respect of weapons and food. But in spite of all that, the Companions' zeal for Jihad was great. Secondly, it presents the picture of mutual cooperation which the Companions extended to one another. From all these considerations, emerges their distinctive place in history.